Wednesday, September 26, 2012

10 weeks

Here I thought Wren was 9 weeks yesterday, but it turns out it has been TEN weeks since she made her debut! Wow!  Time truly FLIES BY!  So what is our little princess up to, you ask?!  Here are a few new Wrenie characteristics.  (Before she was born I thought Wrenie was a silly nickname, but I find that is what I call her more than anything else.  Also, she LOVES to hear me call her "My pretty girl!"  Big smiles every time!)

* Wren has officially become one of us, as she LOVES to watch T.V.  She enjoys sitting in her chair planted in the middle of the living room so she can see everything and everyone... but her eyes become mostly glued to that super-colorful-big-screen! Hehe

* My mom told me that when I was a baby I LOVED to have my face rubbed, and once I got the hang of using my hands, I would grab her hand and push it to my face so she would rub it!  Well, Wren, too, loves for me to rub her face!  She moves her head side to side making little "that feels wonderful" sounds! :D  I think she will be a lot like Mommy, looks and all!

* Wren is recovering from her first cold.  We were all sick last week, and thankfully are getting better now before Jude's birthday next week! She was a trooper, hardly fussed about it, even when she was congested!

* Last night, Wren was using her left arm a lot.  Daddy was holding her and she was swinging her fist around in the air and made contact with Daddy's face a couple of times! (And... sadly her own!) Haha!  I know it's too early to tell, but I can't help but wonder if she will be a lefty like her Mommy! :)

Finally, I don't think I've ever seen a sweeter face than that of Wren at dinner on Saturday night.  I had just got done eating, so I picked her up and laid her in my arms.  She didn't fuss, but just looked at me with a little smirk, and big, loving, begging eyes, and nuzzled up to my chest, as if trying to say sweetly, "Please feed me Mommy!"  It was a face I hope I never forget.  I would pay big $ to go back and be able to snap a picture of that face!!!  I love her SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!
Daddy and Wren watching T.V.

Love those blue eyes!

And that smile!

Her little "Mommy mark" was very noticeable on Sunday.  I asked Bryan if mine was too, and he said yes.  Hmm... interesting...

I thought she looked a lot like me as a baby in this picture! :D

Monday, September 17, 2012


Our sweet girl is 2 months old!

Boo boos from 2 month shots... ;(
Monthly bear picture! :)

Our happy baby girl! :D

It's September SEVENTEENTH, which means our baby girl is 2 months old today!!  Wren went to the doctor this morning for her check up and shots.  She now weighs 9 lbs 6 oz and is 21.5 inches long, both of which are in the 10th percentile.  Her head is 15 inches and is perfectly average! :D  When compared to Jude, Wren is shorter by 1.25 inches and weighs less by 7 oz!  Jude weighed 9 lbs 13 oz at 2 months old, but on the boy scale, he was only in the 5th percentile for weight.  I really thought for sure Wren was looking and feeling bigger than Jude at this age, but I guess I was wrong!  Maybe she will end up petite like her Momma! :D

Dr. Emm was surprised by Wren being so alert.  He says she is at a 4 month level! That's my smart girl!! :D

Thursday, September 13, 2012

2 months old!

Wren will be 2 months old in a few days!  I can't believe how quickly she is growing!  She is getting more personality with each day; trying to act like a 6 month old, already!  Her neck is strong, and her lungs are too... ;)
Already sitting in the Bumbo, like a big girl! ;)

She sleeps very well at night, wakes up for one feeding, but last night she went to bed at 9 and woke at 3:30, so she slept 6.5 hours straight through!!  That is the longest yet (sleeping alone), so I am going to try to feed her a little later than that tonight and see if she can sleep past the 3 o'clock hour, because it seems like 3 is her favorite number, like Mommy!! :)

Jude and Wren are waking up at the same time, which makes mornings REALLY HECTIC!  I wish they would wake up at least 20 minutes apart, so I could feed one... then the other, instead of bouncing around the kitchen with Wren on my chest trying to pour Jude his milk and get him some breakfast.  ..... The life of a Mommy of two, I guess!

As I mentioned, Wren sleeps great at night, but during the day... that is another story!  She is becoming more and more addicted to breastfeeding... which makes my life a bit more stressful! I may need to try bottle feeding a little more.  I will see what the doctor thinks at her 2 month check up on the 17th.

She had her first big blow out this afternoon.  We were driving home, and I heard her making her normal explosive noises, so I was prepared to change her diaper when we got home... I just wasn't expecting to put my hand in it, as it was all over her left side and some made it's way out into the carseat! :/  Yuck!  But... I'm glad she got it all out, because she is in a much better mood compared to this morning! :D

Now, feast your eyes on this beauty!! ;)

One of my favorite faces of hers! :)  It's her gitty face!

Big blue eyes!! :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

7 weeks!

Wren is 7 weeks!

* Wren is visibly getting bigger every day!  Daddy came home yesterday and was amazed at how much she's grown! :)

* Now that she is bigger, Wren is able to eat more at each feeding, giving me more of a break between nursing! :)  I'm enjoying feeling more like a human.. and less like a nursing machine!

* She is smiling more throughout the day!  I absolutely LOVE THIS SMILE!! :D

* Big brother is warming up to Wren with each passing day!  Bryan and I got a kick out of Jude offering her his PACIFIER when he was laying down for bed!  We couldn't believe that he would give up his ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THING, especially in bed! :D  Jude is such a sweetheart!!!

* Wren is still a pooping machine!  I will change 1495734 diapers a day for her, if it means she will not be lactose intolerant, and have trouble pooping like her brother did!

* Wren is the life of a party!  We discovered that on Sunday, when we went to Grandpa and Grandma Moser's birthday party!  We were greeted at the door by at least 5 adoring women!  She was never put down! :D

We are in love with this little girl more and more every day!  Wren truly brightens my day! :D